Alliance Data Privacy Notice

Privacy and Data Processing Notice

What is the Alliance and which organisations are involved in this support service?

The Alliance is a group of organisations, working together to ensure the successful delivery of services to Young Londoners and their families. The organisations who make up the Alliance are: Safer London, St Giles Trust, New Horizon Youth Centre, Anna Freud Centre, and MOPAC (Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime). The Alliance has been commissioned (paid for) by MOPAC.

Who has access to my information?

The organisations directly delivering this service are: Safer London, St Giles Trust, New Horizon Youth Centre and Anna Freud Centre. As these organisations are all working under the same contract and towards the same goal, they will all be able to view your electronic case file, which is stored in a system managed by Safer London.

On a day to day basis the people that will routinely look at your details are the workers involved in your case, which could be from any or all of the organisations mentioned. The managers of these workers will also regularly review your casefile so that we can be sure you are receiving the best service possible, that your needs are being met, and that your casefile is accurate and complete.

Less frequently there will be the need for other staff from the Alliance organisations to view your data for the purposes of reporting, data quality and safeguarding activities.

Why are you processing (collecting storing and reporting on) my information?

To help us support you and provide you with the services we offer, we need to record details about you such as your name, address and date of birth,, the work we do with you, any concerns you or we may have and any information from other people that are supporting you that will help our work. We will also record other information about you such as your race or religion – this is known as special category data.

The Alliance has judged that we have a legitimate interest to process your information and is what we rely on to legally record, use and keep your information (the assessment of this can be found on our website). We have decided that processing some special category data about you, such as your race or religion, is necessary to help us help you in the best way we can and to make sure our services are the best they can be for everyone, we rely on the legal basis of not for profit bodies to do this.

Will you share my information with anyone else, or with any organisations outside of the Alliance?

We will share non identifiable information about you (for example your age, borough, length of time you have been working with us) with our commissioner, MOPAC so they can see how well we are delivering the services they have commissioned.

We will also ask you for your consent (permission) to share data that makes it clear who you are (for example name, address) with MOPAC so they can perform an external evaluation of the services provided, to see how well the service supports you. Providing consent to share data for the evaluation will help to improve the service and support the provision of services like this in the future. If you choose not to provide consent to this, it will not impact the service you receive from us.

We may have to share your information with other services, organisations and people if we believe you or someone else may be at risk of harm and we feel that you will be kept safer by sharing the information. We will always try to discuss this with you first. We may also do this if we are made to by law, for example through a court order.

We may also feel another organisation might be of benefit to you, we may have a request from someone else – such as a solicitor working for you, or we may be asked by an external evaluator for your information. In these cases we will discuss this with you first and only share with them if you consent to the sharing.

Finally the staff at the company that manages the computer system where we store your information have access to your data but they do not need to look at it unless we need help with something technical, and we have rules in place to make sure that they don’t look at your information if they don’t need to, and that they don’t talk to anyone else about it.

What will you do with my information?

We will use your information to keep a record of our work with you, to decide how we can best help you and to work out how well we have done in supporting you. We will also use your data along with that of others to report on numbers and facts about our service but when we do that we will never use any information that would allow someone to identify you.

When will you delete my information?

We will keep your information available for 7 years after we stop working with you. We will then archive it so that it will not usually be accessible, but so that it will be there if you want, or others need to view it in the future.

How can I view my information?

You can ask your worker or another Safer London staff member for a copy of all the information we hold on you. You can request this by emailing your worker, or asking them in another way. You do not need to pay for the information and we will always try to give it to you within a month.

We might need to redact (hide) some parts of the information in your record if it mentions someone else who has not agreed to us sharing information about them with you, or if certain other circumstances apply, such as the information from someone else was given with the expectation of privacy.

What can I do if I’m unhappy?

Let us know! You can use our complaints process (ask your worker for the leaflet explaining how it works) if you are not happy about how we are managing your information, or if you think that information we have about you is wrong.

If you are still unhappy you are able to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office, using the information at or by calling 0303 123 1113.