Whistleblowing Policy Statement
Safer London is committed to providing high-quality services and upholding high ethical standards. It is in the best interest of the organisation, its beneficiaries and stakeholders for any wrongdoing to be identified and addressed quickly and fairly. To support this, Safer London encourages its employees to speak up if they believe something is seriously wrong.
Safer London is also committed to ensuring that employees know who to approach and how to report any suspicions of misconduct, mismanagement or wrongdoing.
Under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998, whistleblowers are protected from suffering any disadvantage, including harassment, discrimination, or termination of employment, as a result of reporting concerns covered by our Whistleblowing policy. The Act specifies that a disclosure must be ‘in the public interest’, which is defined as affecting or concerning the welfare or wellbeing of the general public, being relevant or appealing to the general populace or relating to people's right to know the facts about a particular situation.
Additionally, under the Employment Rights Act 1996, employees who become whistleblowers are protected if they reasonably believe that some form of illegality, injustice or breach of health and safety has occurred or is likely to occur.
This statement highlights our commitment to whistleblowing and further details can be found in our full Whistleblowing Policy, which outlines the procedures and protections in place. For a copy of the full policy please contact info@saferlondon.org.uk