Making a Complaint About Safer London

Safer London is committed to providing a high quality, transparent and accessible service to everyone we work alongside. In order to do this we welcome people telling us when we get things wrong and will aim to resolve problems as quickly as possible.

We will listen to all complaints, treat them seriously and learn from them so that we can continuously improve our services.

All complaints are treated confidentially and only those people who genuinely need to know will be kept informed of both the detail and the management of any complaints.

You can complain if you feel Safer London's service and support isn't up to standard, if our staff have behaved poorly or inappropiately, or if they haven't acted when they should. IIf you wish to make a complaint about the Pan London Housing Reciprocal, please refer to this further information before doing so.

We will treat anyone who submits a complaint politely, respectfully and fairly at all times. However, we will not accept any disrespectful or bullying behaviour towards any of our employees when dealing with a complaint.

Submitting a complaint

If you wish to make a complaint, you can do so by telephone or by email. You can find contact details on the Get In Touch page of our website.

If you are disabled, and need a reasonable adjustment to ensure you can register your complaint, you can:

  • ask a third party to help you to submit your complaint;
  • ask a Safer London staff member to help you in writing out your complaint;
  • ask a Safer London staff member to arrange for our interpreter service to help you to express your complaint – this service can provide interpreters for a number of languages including sign-language.

If you require different adjustments, let us know.

The time limit for lodging a formal complaint is six months from the date of the incident that prompted the complaint. For example, if an incident occurred on January 28, the deadline for filing a complaint about it would be July 27 of the same year.

If you would like to see a full copy of our Making a Complaint About Safer London Policy please contact the team at

*Last updated October 2023