Get in touch

Whether you’re interested in knowing about our services, or want to support Safer London’s work we want to hear from you.

Referrals for our Services and Support

Safer London Front Door

Referrals for our work with young Londoners, their families, peers and communities are taken through our Front Door referral team. Our Front Door team can also offer general advice. If you have any queries please email or call 0207 021 0301 and choose option 1.

Referral Criteria and Forms

Please visit our Services & Support pages to review the relevant criteria before making a referral and to access the referral forms.

The Pan London Housing Reciprocal

To check service criteria and make a referral the Pan London Housing Reciprocal, please visit the relevant service page: The Pan London Housing Reciprocal

For the Pan London Housing Reciprocal, we do not accept applications directly from individuals. We ask professionals to make applications on behalf of applicants. This can be any professional, including a housing officer or support worker. For this reason, we don’t hold any personal information for applicants into the scheme.

If you are an applicant and want to discuss the progress of your application, you must speak to the professional that submitted the application on your behalf.

If you have any queries please email

Fundraising & Partnerships

If you, your school or work is interested in raising money for Safer London, visit Fundraise for Us and download our fundraising pack for inspiration and ideas. If you have any questions or need support please email

If you want to discuss potential partnerships, or commission our services, please email and one of the team will get back to you as soon as possible.

Media & Speaking Requests

Media requests

Please visit our Media Hub for information on media requests.

 Media Hub

Conferences and events

We have many talented and experienced individuals working at Safer London who have spoken at events both nationally and regionally. If you’d like us to come speak at your conference or event, please email

Please note: Due to the limited availability of our delivery teams we are unable to come to schools and college groups, to speak at assemblies or enrichment days.


If you’re unhappy with the service you’ve received and would like to make a complaint, please contact the team at

We value your honesty as it helps us to improve and make sure that we are providing the best support possible.

Once we receive a complaint we:

  • listen to you and take you seriously
  • work with you to find a way to make things right
  • tell you what you can do if you are not happy with how we have dealt with your complaint
  • learn from what you have told us so that we can make our services better.

You can read our Feedback and Complaints Policy.

Research Requests

Funded Government, Third Sector of University research projects

We review each research request on a case-by-case basis against what resource we have available. Please email with details of your project and what will be required from Safer London.

Student requests

Due to capacity, we are unable to assist with student research requests. If you have a created a survey as part of your research, we can share this with our teams. However, we are unable to commit to any interviews with the Safer London team or the children and young people who use our services. Please contact for further information.

General Enquiries

For general enquiries please email

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Are you in need of urgent help?

For those under 18, and needconfidential support you can call


0800 1111

Childline also offer email and online chat services for those who need to speak to someone.

For those under 25, and need confidential support you can call


0808 808 4994

The Mix is open from 3pm-12am everyday or text via Crisis messenger service which is available 24/7.

Mobile message


For any mental health crisis, you can text Young Minds

They can help with urgent issues such as suicidal thoughts, self-harm, bullying and relationship issues.


If you or someone else, is in immediate danger call the police


Hand heart white

Need someone to talk to? Call Samaritans

116 123