The difference we make

The difference we make

Every year we review and assess our reach and impact. By doing this we celebrate our successes, as well as acknowledge our shortcomings.

Only by doing this can we learn and grow as an organisation, enabling us to further extend our reach and support more young Londoners, their families and communities impacted by violence and exploitation.

Last year

3 people with arms in the air

young Londoners and families reached

3 people with arms in the air

young Londoners were supported one-to-one

3 people with arms in the air

parents/carers were supported one-to-one

Last year we witnessed a rise in complex cases, with a record number of safeguarding concerns raised.

It is clear that many young Londoners continue to face various pressures. Pressures that build up like water behind a dam.


Over time, the weight of these challenges steadily builds against the dam’s walls, cracks begin to form, and eventually, a breaking point emerges – a moment when the dam can no longer withstand the mounting pressure. It gives way.

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While Safer London may not have the power to repair the cracks in the dam itself, what we can do is scaffold a comprehensive programme of support around each young Londoner.

Last year we worked hard to ensure our services and support did just that. We looked at the data, we looked at emerging themes seen throughout our work, and we made necessary and vital changes.


Through a person-centred, trauma-informed approach and by working in collaboration and partnership with external agencies, as well as the young Londoners themselves, we are working to ensure that no young Londoner is left adrift, enabling them to rise above the turbulent waters they face.

Read the full report


More Reports and Publications

Previous Impact Reports

Adapt and Evolve: Our Impact and Accountability Report 2021 – 2022

Real Stories

We’ve helped a lot of young Londoners throughout the years

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"I believe Aaron will continue to grow. His mind is focused and he knows what he needs to do. He has the fundamentals and he’s been able to implement them. He has the ability to self-reflect and can communicate how he’s feeling. I know from what I’ve seen that he can make major improvements and go far in life. I really feel like the future is bright for him."

Aaron's Caseworker worked withhim for six months, focussing on  exploitation and grooming, family dynamics and managing emotions. Luke's person-centred approach allowed Aaron to carve out his own path to a positive future.