Equity, Diversity & Inclusion policy

At Safer London, we embrace the principles of equity,  diversity, and inclusion. It's not just a philosophy; it's woven into the fabric of our organisation. We understand and celebrate that each of us brings unique backgrounds and perspectives to the table. We recognise that not everyone starts from the same place or has the same advantages. That's why we're dedicated to fostering fairness and justice for all, actively addressing any disparities we encounter.

Our goal is to ensure that our actions reflect our commitment. We see equity, diversity, and inclusion not as checkboxes to tick off, but as vital elements that enrich our collective experience. At Safer London, we champion an environment where every individual's differences are not only acknowledged but valued. We believe that everyone, from our board members to our delivery teams, plays a crucial role in creating a culture of respect and appreciation for diversity.

Our goal is to align with the Equalities Act 2010, preventing discrimination against anyone interacting with Safer London. We understand that those who use our services have diverse needs that might affect their access to our services. To address this, we create projects targeting specific groups to improve their access. We also ensure that our projects encourage broader participation, promoting better access to our services.

If you would like to see a full copy of our Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Policy, please contact the team at info@saferlondon.org.uk

*Last updated September 2023