Privacy Statement for people who use our services

Privacy and Data Processing Notice

Why are you processing (collecting, storing and reporting on) my information?

So we can support you we need to record basic details about you, the work we do with you, any concerns you or we may have and any information from other services or people that are supporting you that is relevant to our work. We may also sometimes record other information about you, for example your race or religion – this is called special category data.

The legal bit

Safer London has judged that we have a legitimate interest to process your information – this means it’s legal for us to record and keep your information. You can find out more about this law in the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). We have decided that processing more personal data e.g. race, religion is needed for us to help you in the best way we can and to make sure our services are the best they can be for everyone (you can find out more about this in a part of the GDPR called Article 9 (2) (d)).

Who can see my information?

  • Staff in the service you are using and senior managers and administration staff at Safer London
  • Commissioners (these are the people and organisations who pay for us to do our work with you)) – to ensure themselves and you that we are progressing your work as we should
  • Companies that we or commissioners employ to see how effective the work we do with you is, where possible this will be anonymised first

The legal bit – sharing your information

We may have to share your information with other services, organisations and people if:

  • We believe you or someone else may be at risk of harm
  • We have to legally e.g. following a court order
  • Sometimes we ask other companies to do work for us, like manage our computer systems where we store your information, staff at these companies will have access to your data but will not normally need to look at it unless we need help with something technical. We may also work with other organisations to deliver our services to you and will share information with them too – your worker will explain this to you if it applies
  • We believe that your needs will be better met by another organisation we might refer you to them – this will be discussed with you first
  • We get a request for information from another organisation we might share some information with them if it is the right thing to do – we will discuss this with you first and get your consent unless one of the points above apply

What will you do with my information?

We will use your information to keep a record of our work with you, to decide how we can best help you and to work out how well we have done in supporting you. We will also use your data along with that of others to report on numbers and facts about our service – in this case we will never publish any personal identifiable information.

When will you delete my information?

We will keep your information for 6 years on our systems after we stop working with you, after this we will archive it indefinitely – you can get more information about this from our retention policy.

How can I view my information?

You can ask your worker or another Safer London staff member for a copy of all the information we hold on you either during your work with us and when your work has finished. It is best to request this by email if you can. There is no cost to have this given to you and we will respond to your request within a month.

The legal bit

We might sometimes need to redact (cover up) some parts of the information in your record if it mentions someone else.

What if I’m not happy?

Let us know! You can use our complaints process (ask your worker for the leaflet explaining how it works) if you are not happy about how we are managing your information, or if you think that information we have about you is wrong.

If you are still unhappy you are able to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office, using the information at or by calling 0303 123 1113.

The legal bit

If you have a concern or issue about how we are storing or using your information, if we have not responded to you within the time that we should or if you have any other issue relating to your data e.g. you believe that something is wrong with it or that it is not being stored securely, then you can use our complaints process and / or contact the ICO using the information at or by calling 0303 123 1113.