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With my support worker I felt I was able to express my feelings in so many ways and would not be judged.

I will be able to motivate others to love themselves.

Working with Safer London was a great journey. It was very beneficial for me as an individual who was struggling with low self-esteem. I was able to conquer my low-self esteem through great advice and I learnt a variety of skills which enabled me to have a more confident approach.

My support worker was the best. She was very engaging. I was able to confide in her when sharing my feelings. She gave me great advice throughout our sessions, which I can now apply in my day-to-day life. It gave me an understanding of how to stay safe in certain situations I may face in the future.

I’d previously had mentoring support in my secondary school, but it was not as engaging. This is because I did not feel as comfortable to express and share my feelings. I felt I would be judged. With my support worker I felt I was able to express my feelings in so many ways and would not be judged.

One take away from my time working with Safer London would be the ability to have self-love. I have a broader understanding of the word ‘self-love’. I now know that other people’s opinions, based on my appearance, don’t always matter. This will also be beneficial, as I will be able to motivate others to love themselves.

How Safer London helped Mia

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Trauma-informed Caseworker

Every young Londoner is allocated a single trauma-informed caseworker, who works alongside them from 6 to 12 months (with support extending up to two years if required).

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Person Centred Support

The support is built around the young Londoner and their needs. The session plans, session content and overall outcomes are influenced by the young Londoner, with their voice being central to what the support looks like.

If you’re a young Londoner or parent whose worked with Safer London, and share us your story via email to inspire others. Make sure you let us know the name of your caseworker when you get in touch.