We have built such a beautiful bond, even if she did not realise. She is the person that made me believe in trusting people again.
Working with my support worker has taught me a lot and has honestly improved me as a person. She pushed me to go school and be the best version of myself that I could be.
Although we missed sessions she never failed to look out for me and attended every meeting, updated me when no one else would and had an eye out for my mental health. She always knew how to make me feel safe and never pushed my limits which I am grateful for. She never forced me into formal talk. she would speak to me about everything and anything and never stopped listening to my endless rants, even when we had planned sessions to certain pieces of work she still did everything in her power to make me feel like everything is going to be okay as long as I am open.
Over many many sessions I have finally stuck down to my boundaries, before I’d be the type of girl who let everything slide but now NO MEANS NO and that’s because my worker taught me to put myself and my feelings first before anyone.
I have grown as a person overall and I am thankful that my worker was there to help me learn how to love myself.
After working with my worker, I will be taking away many things, but the main thing I have learnt is not all professionals are out to get you and some are there to actually help. I'm really picky with the professionals I like and dislike, but I think she was the first person I trusted openly in forever.
I never thought I would ever say anything good about anyone who has worked with me, just because of my past, but every time I meet someone new, I remember my worker and how I gave her a chance and she didn’t let me down so not everyone will.
How Safer London helped Ruby
Trauma-informed Caseworker
Every young Londoner is allocated a single trauma-informed caseworker, who works alongside them from 6 to 12 months (with support extending up to two years if required).
Person Centred Support
The support is built around the young Londoner and their needs. The session plans, session content and overall outcomes are influenced by the young Londoner, with their voice being central to what the support looks like.
If you’re a young Londoner or parent whose worked with Safer London, and share us your story via email to inspire others. Make sure you let us know the name of your caseworker when you get in touch.

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