Reaching more young Londoners affected by violence, to create a city safer for everyone
The last year in lockdown has been tough on everyone, but it will undoubtedly be the young Londoners like those we work with, who will feel the long term impacts the most.
Today it was announced that the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) has increased their investment in our work, providing additional funding that will allow us to reach more young Londoners. This announcement strengthens Mayor Of London Sadiq Khan’s commitment to continue supporting young Londoners impacted by violence, as he embarks on his second term as Mayor.
This couldn’t have come at a more critical moment. Together, with the Mayor of London, we can work to make sure young Londoners have the bright and positive futures they deserve.
Young Londoner
Without Safer London my life would most definitely have been different. I wouldn’t have learnt to have the self-control I need to make sure I don’t re-offend again. The encouragement I received gave me a lot of insight into what I could do to help myself. It helped me change my mindset and helped me really to become a better person.
Partnership working is key. Our work with young Londoners can’t be done in silo. We want to reach as many young Londoners who need our support as possible. To do this we work collaboratively with our partner Catch 22, and other organisations including the DWP and probation services, as well as communities across London.
We’ve achieved a lot, but there’s still more work to do. We will continue working with the young Londoners and families who need us, as well as their peers and communities – so we can achieve our vision of a city that is safe for everyone who lives here.
Given that it’s a pandemic, my experience has only been positive. I think that’s a testament to Safer London. That they’ve been able to carry on, given everything that’s happened in the last year. I’m back to working again now and Safer London helped to enable that. I learnt that crisis points are temporary and I find it easier to ask for help now.
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