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Unleashing the Power of Youth Voice: The Safer London Youth and Participation Tree

At Safer London, we firmly believe in the power of youth voice and the transformative impact it can have.

We wanted to create a visually engaging representation of participation. So, in collaboration with our incredible young champions, the VIPs, we co-produced the Safer London Youth Voice and Participation Tree. A metaphorical representation of what participation at Safer London looks like – and more importantly the difference it makes. Not just for us as an organisation, but the VIPs and every young Londoner we work alongside.

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The Safer London Youth Voice and Participation Tree was designed and illustrated by young Londoner Asani.

The Safer London Youth Voice and Participation Tree is more than a visual representation – it embodies our commitment to empowering youth voices and fostering meaningful engagement.

Find more out about the Safer London Youth Voice and Participation Tree, as well as the process of making it.

Safer London Youth Voice and Participation Tree

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