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Tender for research: The conditions for Relationships of Trust in Practice

**UPDATE: This tender has now closed**

Research shows that trusting relationships are key to seeing success when working with children and young people affected by violence and exploitation.

At Safer London trusting relationships form the foundation of any support we deliver. It’s one of the guiding principles that underpins how we deliver our work. Too often young Londoners tell us they have been let down by professionals, and every day we see the distrust they have for services that are there to support them. Our Caseworkers spend time and energy on building a good rapport with every young Londoner they work with, working towards breaking down those barriers of distrust.

But we want to make sure we’re getting it right.

That’s why we’re inviting applications to support us to undertake a research project which focuses on exploring how we build relationships of trust, with the aim of supporting our future planning and inform the sustainability and evolution of the way we currently work.

We want to refine our understanding of trust and trusted relationships, and to identify what makes these relationships work in practice. We want to challenge the cliché and really define what it is and what conditions are needed to build relationships of trust.

Whilst we want this to inform our own work with young Londoners, we also recognise that this could have broader implications for the wider youth work and safeguarding sector.

The research will take place from March 2023 to September 2023, with a total budget of £60,000.

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