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“We are only human after all.”

We can empower young Londoners to move forward with their lives in a positive way, feeling valued and supported rather than forgotten and unheard.

For World Mental Heath day our Mental Health and Wellbeing Advocate Joshua talks about why mental health support is so important in our work with young Londoners and their families who have experienced trauma.

We all have our mental health, just like physical health, on different levels of the “good” or “bad” scale. In truth our understanding of mental health, despite much improved awareness in recent years, is so minimal compared to what we know about the physical body.

We do know for sure that neglecting good mental health and wellbeing can have catastrophic knock on effects to the rest of our lives; effecting our relationships, decreasing productivity and our sense of worth. It can even lead to us becoming unwell.

For me, having something that I simply must do every day such as watering a plant or feeding my pet keeps me grounded, which gives me a sense of purpose I carry forward into the rest of my life. Whenever I’m not feeling myself I find some time in nature really lifts my spirits.

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As Emotional Wellbeing advocate at Safer London I work with young Londoners affected by violence and exploitation. I seek to bridge the gap between various services and provide support to the young Londoner, with the view to minimise potential long lasting negative effects on their mental health and emotional wellbeing.

It’s important to remember that the impact of violence and exploitation can affect young Londoners in a number of ways. Making sure the young Londoners and families we work with get the right support is so important. Emotional wellbeing support is essential in reducing the impact of trauma and can decrease the likelihood of something similar happening to them again.

By doing this we can empower young Londoners to move forward with their lives in a positive way, feeling valued and supported rather than forgotten and unheard.

As I said before we all have our mental health, which at various times in our life can be positive or negative. If we’re struggling with our mental health and put off doing anything to address it, the situation can become a lot worse potentially leading us to a crisis point.

Sometimes the solution can be as simple as just talking to our peers or people who have had similar experiences, to understand that we’re not alone when we feel a bit off. We are only human after all.

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