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Youth Work: Empowering the Future Generation

Every year, Youth Work Week celebrates the incredible impact of youth work and the profound difference it makes in the lives of young people. It’s a time to recognise the dedication and passion of youth workers and the importance of supporting the youth.

Youth workers play a crucial role in empowering young people, regardless of their background or circumstances. It’s about ensuring that every young person has the chance to shape their own future. At Safer London we provide specialist and intensive one to one support to young Londoners presenting with incredibly high risks and needs – what we do goes above and beyond mentoring.

For youth work week we sat with our incredible practice managers and asked – why is youth work so important?

Youth work gives young people a voice in a world run by adults

Josh concisely captures the essence of youth work when he says, “Because everyone deserves the chance to live the life they want, and young people are the future”. It’s about ensuring that every young person, regardless of their background, has the opportunity to forge their own path towards a positive future.


Denell highlights the importance of “supporting marginalised young people, giving them a voice, and breaking down stigmas”. Youth work addresses issues of safeguarding, funding, and policy, ensuring that young voices are heard and respected.

Nabeela underlines the role of youth work in helping young people “thrive, believe in themselves, and increase their confidence.” It provides them with positive role models and empowers them to realize their potential, benefiting not only themselves but also their communities.


Mohammed highlights how youth work “amplifies youth voices in a safe and professional manner" empowering young people to express their needs and contributing to the strength and quality of life in London.

Alyson reminds us that "youth work gives young people a voice in a world run by adults”. It’s an opportunity for them to be heard and recognised.


Des provides context, explaining that in an age where “young people have access to the world via social media yet are isolated in their local communities, youth services are a vital resource to engage them with trusted local people who mean them well outside their peer groups” who genuinely care about their wellbeing.

Symone emphasises the significance of this work by highlighting that “the youth are our future! Future parents, future leaders, future activists, future teachers and educators, future police, and future support workers.” Youth work plays a crucial role in nurturing the leaders, role models, and change-makers of tomorrow.


Youth work is a movement that supports, empowers, and amplifies the voices of young people. It’s about recognising that they are the future, and investing in their growth, development, and wellbeing is an investment in a brighter tomorrow for all.

So, let’s celebrate the importance of youth work and the incredible work being done to shape the future generation!

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