Young Londoner Male24

Our Blogs

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We must safeguard children and young people – not criminalise them

Like many others we read the ‘Child Q’ practice review in horror and disbelief. The report described the traumatic dehumanisation of a 15-year-old Black girl. Many organisations have already made their statements on this ‘story’. You may wonder why we have waited until now to make ours. In truth we were angry and deeply upset. We have chosen to reflect, rather than react....

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Reaching more young Londoners affected by violence, to create a city safer for everyone

Today it was announced that the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) has increased their investment in our work, providing additional funding that will allow us to reach more young Londoners. This announcement strengthens Mayor Of London Sadiq Khan’s commitment to continue supporting young Londoners impacted by violence, as he embarks on his second term as Mayor....

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