Request for Proposal: A Critical Friend focussed on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Safer London, alongside our Alliance partners, are seeking a provider to act as a Critical Friend to offer an independent, expert voice to challenge, support, and guide our work around Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) with a focus on ensuring our polices, practices, and culture, authentically reflect our commitment to embedding and practicing EDI.
In 2024, Safer London, St Giles Trust, New Horizon Youth Centre and Anna Freud were selected as the pan-London Alliance of organisations to deliver the new Children and Young People’s Violence & Exploitation Support Service, commissioned by the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC).
Recognising that young Londoners affected by violence and exploitation have complex lives and often present with multiple needs, the new Children and Young People’s Violence & Exploitation Support Service aims to provide a holistic and comprehensive package of support. The Alliance’s unifying vision is a future where all young Londoners, their families and communities – regardless of background – can thrive, live safely, and fulfil their potential, free from violence and exploitation.
The Alliance are committed to ensuring the successful delivery of the service by bringing together of a range of knowledge and expertise. We are deeply committed to embedding EDI at the heart of everything we do – from our internal operations to the way we engage with young people and communities. To support this journey, we are seeking an experienced and insightful Critical Friend to provide strategic and practical guidance on EDI and hold us accountable to our goals in this area.
How to submit a proposal
Full details of the project and how to submit a proposal can be found in the Request for Proposal and project specification documents below.
Safer London is commissioning this work on behalf of the Alliance partnership, but proposals will be assessed by representatives from the Alliance partnership, and the Critical Friend will be expected to work alongside all of the Alliance partners.
Clarification questions on this quote request may be addressed to procurement@saferlondon.org.uk.
Any question responses which are relevant to all will be shared with all applying parties. If you intend to submit a proposal, please advise us at your earliest convenience so that question responses can be shared. Questions will be anonymised before responses are shared with respondents.